Monday, September 20, 2010

Some thoughts on the first week... which isn't over yet.

I'm just a few days into this new weight loss venture, and it is very different than my previous tries, in both good ways and in bad.

In the past, exercise has been difficult, because of lack of time and lack of motivation. But this time around, getting up to 12,000 steps per day is surprisingly easy, and without a whole lot of extra effort. I suppose that's just a testament to how busy I am. I am in near constant motion throughout the day, and that's great. I do go out of my way to park sort of far from wherever I am going, and when I have down time at school I just start walking around campus instead of getting online or whatever. Then when I'm at home, I take Olive out, or take her for a walk, so that helps also.

Eating right has been really hard. Over the weekend there were two family birthday celebrations that involved delicious food. I indulged those two days, but I have eaten healthy otherwise. Once, I read a magazine article about several people who lost 100+ lbs. and they were talking about how they never eat cake at weddings or indulge, ever, no matter what the occasion. That seems so sad to me. Sure... you have to have self control, but never, ever, ever? Maybe letting myself indulge with the reasoning that it's a special occasion is a bad way of thinking, but I think if I just deprive myself I'll go crazy and then give up out of frustration because I never get to eat what I want.

Of course, I am hoping one day that I will prefer the taste of healthy food to things that are fatty, breaded, sugary and deep fried.

It helps finding stuff like this. Low calorie, low carb ice cream that tastes like ice cream. Usually I can't stand anything sweetened with Splenda, but this shit is delicious. I don't feel like I am missing out on anything. Thomas loves these especially, because being diabetic he doesn't get sweets very often, and the ones that are low-sugar or are carb-friendly usually taste like ass.

So, like I did before, I am going to take one day off a week to eat whatever I want.

I was 259 when I weighed myself Wednesday, and I'm not really sure what my long-term goal is. I want to get down to 200 and see from there.


  1. Hey. :) Let me know if you ever want to walk together or do anything together... or if I can ever be any help. The key to success for me was keeping the blog I have, getting followers, etc. People who hold me accountable. When I started out, I weighed 245-- pretty close to where you are now. I got down to 198 a few weeks ago, but I'm sitting at 201 right now just because of b-day parties and such. You'll only be successful in losing weight if you DO indulge sometimes. People who say they never eat cake at weddings and the like will probably stay thin for a few months, then promptly put it all back on. You have to make it a lifestyle change. Something you can live with. If you're not following a plan that you could feasibly live with for the rest of your life, it's not going to work, you know?

    From one food addict to another, I know you can do this. I know people say all the time "If I can do it, you can do it," but I really mean that. I've been fat my whole life. I've been on more diets, tried to lose weight more times... well, if it tells you anything, I first started trying to lose weight when I was 14 and I weighed 150 lbs. I got up to 200 in high school, and then to 245 by the end of college. I know what it's like to struggle. And seriously, if I can be successful in this, you can too. :)

  2. I would absolutely love to go walking sometime, it's just hard for me to commit to anything because I am *SO* busy. But I am hoping things will settle down soon. I just had to drop one of my classes, so that should free up my schedule some. It just seems like there has been an inordinate amount of special events, birthdays, etc. lately!

    I had no idea you were so close to where I am now when you started. For some reason, I always have this perception that I am the hugest person in the world and no one else looks bad overweight except for me. You have done so well, and I can tell by reading your blog that you have taken a healthy (both mentally and physically) approach to weight loss. Honestly, when most people tell me they want to lose weight, it makes me uncomfortable because all I hear is "I wanna be thin", "I wanna look like (insert emaciated female celebrity here)", etc. And a lot of time these girls are at a completely healthy size but they have been brainwashed into believing they are morbidly obese by the media's conflicting messages about what is a healthy/attractive weight and what is not.

    Sure, I want my clothes to fit me differently, I want my double chin to go away, I want to feel less self-conscious about my body but more than anything, I want to have to a heart attack before I'm 40 years old. I don't want to be diabetic. I don't want to develop joint problems, or have my mobility be affected because of my size. I just want to feel normal.

    Anyway, your success is so inspiring to me, and I want you to know that! I really feel like I can do it too when I read your blog, or see your new pictures on Facebook. And I really, really appreciate your support! We need to hang out soon, do some walking and compare notes. :)

  3. Those Carb Smart bars are delicious! I've been working on losing weight too.

    Since the middle of June, I've lost 25. I want to lose about 75 more, so I definitely know how hard it can be.

    Maui would be an awesome reward! :)

  4. I know you can do it, Amy! 25 lbs. is a lot - you should be really proud of yourself!

  5. Have you guys tried the Weight Watcher brand coffee ice cream bars? Holy shit, they are DELICIOUS.

  6. No, but it sounds like I need to! YUM!
