Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Daily Numbers

- 1,548 calories
- 55.5 g/fat
- 165 g/carbs
- 11,987 steps

I'm at 11,987 steps now but I will definitely be at 12,000 before I go to bed, and I managed this on a day off! It helps that I had to do several errands today, but I am pleased.

I do have a question for those of you reading: Would you like to know exactly what I am eating? Like, a break down of what I have per meal, the carbs/fat/calories for each item, or maybe just feature a few meals every week? I don't know if that would be boring or not, but I feel that perhaps I should be a little more transparent about my diet. Any feedback would be helpful!


  1. i think writing down what you eat will be helpful to you also in the long run.

    it would be interesting to see what you eat. =)

    *cheering* goooo Lacy!!!!!! <3

  2. Yes, I would like to know. Also, did you go for a walk on your day off? How long are your walks, usually? Sorry if I sound like I'm interviewing; I really am interested. I've been working out myself now too. :)

  3. Yeah, I think you should keep a food journal and then put it on your blog at the end of the day. I think it would be beneficial to you and to your followers.

  4. i would definitely like to know the breakdown of the food as well of every ingredient! haha. no, but seriously, i'd like to know your diet so i know where to go from here. :) your blog gives me momentum to loose weight. :)

  5. Right now, when I keep track of food I write everything down and then transfer it to the computer at the end of the day. But when I eat a meal, I write down the calories, carbs and fat of every component and then add it all up. For example, one of my favorite lunches is a turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo (and sometimes bacon) with a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup. So, I will write down this:

    Turkey - 60 calories
    0 g/fat

    Cheese - 110 calories
    9 g/fat
    0 g/carbs

    Mayo - 90 calories
    10 g/fat
    0 g/carbs

    Bread (2 slices) - 160 calories
    2 g/fat
    30 g/carbs

    Soup - 150 calories
    5 g/fat
    20 g/carbs

    So would you guys like to see it the way I write it down, or consolidate the ingredients into whatever it is they are supposed to be when they are combined? I can even provide brand names and links on specific products, etc.

  6. And Cristina - I haven't been walking on my days off, but I am starting to think that I should. I really wanted to take a break from walking this week because my back, feet and legs were sore. And my walks vary in time depending on how many steps I need to get in but it is usually 30 minutes minimum to an hour max.
