Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I got on the scale yesterday and I'm, apparently, still at 252 lbs. after two weeks.  Granted, the week of our anniversary I was a little more indulgent than I had planned on being - but this past week I have been really, really good.  I have walked AT LEAST 12,000 steps every day (most days 14K+).  I don't understand.  Is my thyroid shit all out of whack again?  Is walking not enough exercise?  Is stress making me retain weight?  Am I eating too much?  Maybe it's pre-menstrual bloating (I should be starting any day now) or maybe I'm having digestion issues.  Maybe my scale's not accurate, but it has always seemed to be.

I don't know, but I'm frustrated.  I don't want to go back to obsessively counting calories and all of that.  I just don't have time, and if this starts becoming another stressful chore to add to the list I won't want to keep up with it.  Maybe I should start measuring my waist every week, too.  I can tell a big difference in the way my clothes fit - everything seems bigger and looser.  That made it all the more surprising when I stepped on the scale and I saw that nothing had changed.

I'm going to try not to get down about it.  Today our Student Government Association had a Fall Fest, where they gave away free food and candy and had a costume contest!  I dressed up as a bee, and I won!  I actually didn't cringe too much when I saw the pics on Facebook, either... so that's a good sign.  Tomorrow, Phi Theta Kappa (an honor society for two-year colleges that Thomas and I are members of) is having a bake sale, which we are volunteering for, and then we're going to a party on Saturday night. 

I am going to shake off my disappointment, have fun during one of my favorite holidays, while also making sensible choices.  And I'll just hope the scale is kinder to me next week...


  1. Don't get down on yourself Lacy. Weight loss is full of plateaus at a lot of different stages, even the beginning. Besides you're probably converting a lot of fat to muscle with that much walking. Try measuring your waist, thighs and hips. I've always felt that was a better indicator than a scale. Weight is not the best way to chart your progress. And if you ever have a particularly bad day, just look in the mirror. No amount of exercise can give a person a beautiful face (and eyebrows!!!) and you've got one of the best <3

  2. Hang in there Lacy. Remember your long term goals, and try not to linger on momentary disappointments

  3. Awww... thank you all so much! I feel much better knowing I have such awesome, supportive friends!

  4. I nearly always gain or maintain right before my period starts, just FYI. But also, working out can cause you to retain water for the first few weeks when you start working out. It does eventually go away.

    Sometimes it can be good to not judge successes by what the scale says, but instead by the other non-scale victories you talked about. Better fitting clothes, liking photos of yourself, etc. That's what I cling to in rough moments. :)
