Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Larval stage.

This picture sucks, but you can see that I have lost three pounds since the last time I updated.  I know I keep getting all super emotional whenever I see that I have lost weight, but I just can't help it.  I fucking cried with happiness when I saw this. 

I haven't weighed less than 240 lbs. in six years. 

I feel like, in so many ways, I am becoming a different person.  The weight loss, being single again, graduating in May.  Transitioning is hard, but today, I felt so happy about everything.  I have spent the entire day feeling... elated, like overwhelmingly optimistic.  I don't even know when I felt like that last.

I did realize today that I need a new reward for myself once I get to my goal weight.  Seeing as how Thomas and I are no longer together, I don't really think it's appropriate to go to Maui.  The big question is: what do I want to do for myself?  What does Lacy want?

Obviously, the biggest reward will just be reaching my goal, but I need to do something.  Maybe a tattoo?  That seems so trite, though.  I'm sure I'll think of something, but in the mean time, I'll take suggestions.

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