Monday, September 7, 2009

Daily Numbers + Weekly Weigh-In

- 1,104 calories
- 49.5 g/fat
- 115 g/carbs

So... this is the first post in a couple of days. I have been extremely overwhelmed with school work this weekend, in addition to actual work and the joy of PMS. So, I slacked. I slacked and I ate delicious food. Why?

Because I eat for comfort. When I feel like crap, nothing makes me feel better than getting my stomach full. Its good to recognize that, but its also kind of scary. I'm sure it's something I've known for a long time, I just haven't really wanted to admit to myself that it is true.

Despite being bad, when I weighed myself yesterday I was at 240 lbs and 52" on my waist. That means 15 lbs down so far, which means I need to post a picture soon. I should be happy about this, but I am in disbelief. I have all of the hard evidence, but it just isn't sinking into my head. I'm sure it will eventually, when I get closer to my goal. But a lot of people are saying, "Wow, you've lost weight!" and that makes me feel better.

A friend of mine asked me a question the other day and was thinking that a lot of other people would be curious to know about this, as well. She asked me what I drink.


I know it is hard for a lot of people to give up soda, but it wasn't for me because I haven't been drinking regularly since I was about 10 years old. Odd as it sounds, one day I just randomly decided to stop drinking it. I have no idea what the motivation was (maybe I was trying to lose weight then, as well) but I just quit. I like to drink one on occasion (Sprite or any kind of orange soda) but otherwise its just water. Well, I drink V8 also, usually one can a day with a snack or a meal that isn't exactly filling. I freakin' love that stuff.


  1. Hey Lacy! You are doing really great. I wanted to ask you about your exercise routine. Are you just walking alot? Are you doing anything else? I'm really interested in your success.
